Least read books on goodreads that I loved!

Hey guys! It’s time for another Top Ten Tuesday! This is a blog meme originally created by The Broke and the Bookish and is currently being hosted by That Artsy Reader GirlThis week’s topic is ‘Books I LOVED with Fewer than 2,000 Ratings on Goodreads’. Most of the books on this list have fewer than 2,000 ratings, but 2 of them have around 3,000. It turns out I read a lot of popular books!



The Last 8 by Laura Pohl

Num. Ratings: 83

I received an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review and I really enjoyed it. I have a full review coming soon but this books was a pleasant surprise.


Watch Us Rise by Renée Watson and Ellen Hagan

Num. Ratings: 172

I received an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review. I adored this book and I urge everyone to pick up a copy! This book is so insightful and empowering and I promise you won’t regret picking it up. I have a full review here and I would love it if you checked it out.


Hollow Earth by John and Carole E. Barrowman

Num. Ratings: 1,928

Like many of the books on this list I read this book years ago. I am a big fan of John Barrowman’s and that is probably what originally drew me to this novel, but it ended up being a really good book. It’s about twins, Matt and Emily, who can make their drawings come to life. On top of that, one of the twins is also deaf which was such a cool and interesting thing to read in a fantasy novel and this series is definitely massively underrated.


Flour Babies by Anne Fine

Num. Ratings: 1,851

This is such a sweet and heartwarming novel about responsibility. I read this in school but I am so glad I did. I would definitely recommend this book.


Clay by David Almond

Num. Ratings: 1,251

This novel is so weird but so good and I’m surprised more people haven’t read it.


Children of the Dust by Louise Lawrence

Num. Ratings: 1,563

This post-apocalyptic novel follows a group of survivors who hide underground after a nuclear war. When they emerge 10 or so years later (maybe more, maybe less, I can’t remember) they discover that some of the humans who were on the surface have mutated after they have been exposed to the radiation. This novel is bizarre and disturbing but fascinating at the same time.


Dear Olly by Michael Morpurgo

Num. Ratings: 1,359

I genuinely don’t remember anything about this book but I know that I loved it. I read this a number of times when I was a kid so I don’t know why I can’t remember the story, but it has been over 10 years.


Anything Goes by John Barrowman

Num. Ratings: 2,843

This John Barrowman’s first autobiography and it makes me so happy. While there are some really deep and emotional parts to this book, a lot of it, like Barrowman’s personality, is hilarious. I remember I took it on holiday with me and I read it so many times it fell apart. Oops.


I Am What I Am by John Barrowman

Num. Ratings: 1,189

This is John Barrowman’s second autobiography that concentrates more on Barrowman’s career. This book is filled with hilarious backstage anecdotes about Barrowman’s antics and I know that it can’t help but make you smile.


Heretics Anonymous by Katie Henry

Num. Ratings: 3,659

This is the most popular book on my list and I know it is much higher than 2,000 ratings, but I couldn’t make the list up to 10 books I loved without it. It surprises me that this book doesn’t have more ratings as it was all over booktube in 2018 and I loved loved loved this book. More people should definitely read it.


What is a book you love that has less than 2,000 ratings on goodreads? Have you read any of the books on my list?

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10 thoughts on “Least read books on goodreads that I loved!

  1. I think I’m your opposite because I feel like the majority of the books I read have under 2000 ratings lol. The Last 8 looks like it could be interesting, esp that tagline! Hollow Earth has a cool premise, and I’ll have to add it to my books with disabilities list if one of the twins is deaf 🙂 Are they both main characters in the book? The cover for Clay is creepy!


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